Ms. Teacher

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Lesson Plan #1

I found a lesson plan for 1st graders titled "So Silly". The focus is Language Arts: parts of speech, comprehension and sentence building.This activity helps students to identify nouns, verbs and adjectives. After doing so, the students will build sentences with the words. The supplies needed for this activity is copies of the provided worksheets, scissors, crayons and pencils.

As a class, we will review the definitions of a noun, verb and adjective. After reviewing together as a class, students will be broken up into pairs. As a pair, students will  and receive Activity Sheets 1 and 2. I will read the directions a loud and students will work together to color the nouns red, verbs blue and adjectives yellow. After checking that the students colored correctly, they will cut out the words. As they are cutting out the words, I will explain that most simplest sentences are built with a noun and verb (giving examples of course). Students will then begin to create sentences as a pair using the words that were cut out.

The silly comes in since the short sentences they create may sound "silly" with the addition of articles such as a, an and the. Activity sheet 3 will be distributed during this part of the activity. I will explain to the students that they are silly since they are missing the articles. The student pairs will randomly select cards of the correct colors and place them in the labeled rectangles. Students will take turns reading the resulting silly sentences to each other. Finally, after Activity Sheet 4 is distributed, students will copy the silly sentence they liked the most and illustrate it. The students will share to the class.

This lesson plan can be found on:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lissette!
    I like your lessons plan this activity will really help 1st grade students with the process of making sentences. It also could be use for kindergarten with some high frequency words so they can be ready for first grade.
    Nice Voki! :)
