It is alright to teach traditionally by doing the lesson straight out of books or workbooks and teachers stand up front and talk the whole time while the students just sit and listen. But in today's time students are more technology advance as you can see in the video. You can do many things such as wiki, blogs, podcasts, powerpoints, using the smart board, promethean. Students like to be interactive.
Web 2.0 is about revolutionary new wars of creating, collaborating, editing and sharing user-generated content online. It is also about ease of use. There's no need to download, and teachers and students can master many of there tools in minutes. Technology has never been easier or more accessible to all. Web 2.0 brings a whole new dimension and lets you share your presentation anytime, anywhere, with anyone you like. With 2.0 you can push the boundaries of traditional presentations, mix things up, and make learning more engaging than ever before. There are many Web 2.0 for presentations such as SlideShare, 280 Slides, Prezi and Picsviewr. There are video tools such as and, that can be used in your classroom for projects, presentations, parent meetings and more.
Nowadays, people do not do much face-to-face communication. Everything is through technology. A lot of people communicate in various form, whether it be thru a text from a phone, messenger, emailing and social networks. Community-building and collaboration are two defining aspects of Web 2.0. A range of tools enable teachers and students to communicate, collaborate and share work. Some, like Edmodo, are designed specifically for educators. This Twitter-like tool lets you create custom mini-communities for classes, clubs, parents, etc. and push out assignments, reminders and updates. Others, like GoogleDocs, are for general use but conductive to inter- and intra-school collaboration-in real time. All are easy to use.
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